Exchange platform for delivery time windows
Decentralized planning of platoons
Data-driven Analysis of dynamic ETA Forecasts in Combined Road/Rail Transporte
roboKOM – Potential areas of application for Robotic mobile fulfilment systems
- Modeling approach: Agent-based
- Performance criterion: Parameter variation to determine a potential application range of mobile picking robots by mapping the occurring planning hierarchy of operational planning problems.
The background music sources are:
- Track: Breathe
- Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios
- Creative Commons – Attribution ND 4.0
- Link for the musicvideo
Click here for more Information on the project.
AufKomm – Capability based order assignment in manual order picking
- Modeling approach: Agent-based
- Performance criterion: A picker's individual risk score to assess the feasibility of a picker order allocation method based on the picker's skill set
Click here for further project information.
SUPa -Simulation-based investigation of alternative courses of action in pallet exchange in consideration of different actor behaviours
SyD4 – Systematic service engineering in contract logistics
- Modeling approach: Discret-event
- Performance criterion: Investigation of the impact of multiple possible solutions for picking services under uncertain conditions (e.g., fluctuations in demand levels, distribution of demand over time) on logistics costs and performance.
Click here for further project information.
HiRo II – Market potential of container transports from the hinterland near North Rhine-Westphalia towards Rotterdam
- Modeling approach: Agent-based
- Performance criterion: Analysis of changes in the market shares of North Range ports when additional hinterland connections were established in NRW.
Click here for further project information.
GenesisKV – Overbooking strategies for containerized hinterland transport
- Modeling approach: Discret-event and agent-based
- Performance criterion: Impact of different overbooking strategies on the capacity utilization of trains in maritime hinterland transport
Click here for further project information.
RelKV – Simulation-based decision support in combined transport road/rail
Urban Logistics Facilities
- Modeling approach: Discrete-event and agent-based
- Performance criterion: Analysis of different consolidation and cost allocation methods for intra-logistics and urban distribution.
Click here for further project information.
Simulation of automated hinterland container terminals
Green City Supply – Sustainable integration of rail freight transport into urban logistics concepts
- Modeling approach: Discrete-event and agent-based
- Performance criterion: Comparison of unimodal road freight transport and intermodal freight transport. Evaluation regarding transport costs, traffic volume and traffic emissions
Click here for further project information.
Simulation-based analysis of a load-oriented driving ban in Darmstadt
- Modeling approach: Discrete-event and agent-based
- Performance criterion: Analysis of different control strategies for a truck drive-through ban in Darmstadt. Evaluation regarding transport costs per company type, vehicle use, traffic volume and emissions
Click here for further project information.
Labeling Postponement-Strategy for the Supply Chain for Hair Care Products
- Modeling approach: Discrete-event and agent-based
- Performance criterion: Logistics and production key performance indicators of various postponement scenarios, robustness of the scenarios against fluctuations in demand, variable sales forecast quality, lot sizes and set-up times
Click here for further project information.
Supply Chain Design – Strategic Allocation in the Logistics and Production Network
- Modeling approach: Agent-based
- Performance criterion: Logistics and production costs of different supply chain scenarios, robustness of the scenarios to demand fluctuations.
Click here for further project information.
HiRo – Market potential of container transports form the southwest German hinterland towards Rotterdam
Simulation-based study on storage location assignment strategies in airfreight handling
Picker blocking in the manual order picking process
- Modeling approach: Agent-based
- Performance criterion: Cycle time of order picking
GenesisKV – Business development for non-cranable semi-trailers with innovative systems in combined transport
InterSim – Interdisciplinary Simulation for Case Study Based Teaching
KRITIS – Cooperation for the protection of critical infrastructures
Layout design for production and warehouse buildings on a green-field production site
- Modeling approach: Discrete-event and agent-based
- Performance criterion: Efficient material flow for a green-field production site under the consideration of production-specific conditions
Click here for further project information.
Material flow analysis for a production line on a green-field production site
- Modeling approach: Discrete-event and agent-based
- Performance criterion: Efficient material flow for a green-field production site under the consideration of production specifications and aims
Click here for further project information.
Overbooking in intermodal transportation
- Modeling approach: Agent-based
- Performance criterion: Impact of different overbooking strategies on revenue, profit, and service level
ProSee Rhein-Main – Analysis to increase process efficiency in rail-bound hinterland traffic
Time slot management in road freight transport
- Modeling approach: Agent-based
- Performance criterion: Average waiting times per delivery and over the course of the day, influence of coordination measures on waiting times when using time slot management systems
Click here for further project information.
Delivery Time Windows for Road Freight Carriers and Forwarders
CSSP – Commen Seawater Supply Pipeline
- Modeling approach: Discrete-event and agent-based
- Performance criterion: Impact of global and local uncertain input factors on the service level of a transportation network in a developing country
Click here for further project information.
VESUHV – Improving data flow along the maritime transport chain in rail-bound hinterland traffic
MitKV – Market potential for innovative transshipment technologies for combined transport