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Jetzt anmelden: 4. Forum Kombinierter Verkehr am 28. März 2025
Wie sieht die Zukunft des Güterverkehrs aus? Wie können Straße und Schiene effizient und nachhaltig miteinander kombiniert und unsere Transportnetzwerke robust und leistungsstark gestaltet werden? Das 4. Forum Kombinierter Verkehr , das wir gemeinsam mit dem House of Logistics and Mobility veranstalten, bietet spannende Einblicke und eine Plattform, um diese Fragen gemeinsam mit führenden Expert*innen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis zu diskutieren.
Register now for the 7th ICPLT!
We are thrilled to announce that registration to the 7th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics, and Traffic (ICPLT ‘25) taking place on March 18-19, 2025 at the City Center Campus of TU Darmstadt, is now open!
Project successfully completed: Logistics networks in the steel industry
How can steel scrap transports be bundled efficiently? Which hubs are suitable for this and what capacities are required? And how robust is the transport system in the event of disruptions or fluctuating transport volumes?
How can digital platforms revolutionize intermodal freight transport by combining environmental sustainability with logistical flexibility?
Prof. Ralf Elbert, Paul Bossong and Dr. Anne Reinhard address this question in their latest research paper, “Digital platforms in intermodal freight transport: an analysis of emerging business models and their future dynamics”, recently published in the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (IJPDLM)!
A look behind the scenes of aviation: Excursion to Frankfurt Airport
On 27. Januar 2025, our enthusiastic students from the course “Airport Management” had the incredible opportunity to explore Frankfurt (Main) Airport up close. Guided by visiting lecturer Michaela Schultheiß-Münch and our research associate Ren Kajiyama, they got an exclusive look into the complex world of airport operations.
Presenting current research at the TRB Annual Meet 2025 in Washington, D.C.
How can the utilization of freight trains in intermodal transport be significantly improved without losing sight of the complex practical requirements? This question was the focus of Yuerui Tang's presentation at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting in January 2025.