3rd Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT)
The 3rd ICPLT was jointly hosted by TU Darmstadt and TU Dortmund and has taken place at TU Darmstadt at the 25th and 26th of September 2017.
The 1st ICPLT was initiated by the project Dynamo PLV at TU Darmstadt in 2013, while the 2nd jointly hosted ICPLT took place at TU Dortmund in 2015 and is also intended to be the successor to the biannual German conference Fachtagung Wirtschaftsverkehr, which was hosted by Institute of Transport Logistics (ITL) at TU Dortmund.
This website provides you with information on the 3rd ICPLT in Darmstadt. The next ICPLT will take place at TU Dortmund in 2019.
The conference program can be downloaded (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) . here
To download a zip-file with all extended abstracts of the conference, please click . here