KV-HUB – Piloting and testing of new, innovative combined transport products and processes involving the MegaHub rapid transshipment facility in Hanover/Lehrte
The aim of this project is to shift road freight traffic to the more environmentally friendly combined transport (CT), which thus contributes to achieving the climate targets. Due to the limited economic competitiveness of combined transport compared to road freight transport, there has been an increasing concentration of CT services on only a few direct train-capable routes between major economic centers. This led to a reduction in the range of services offered at smaller locations with more dispersed traffic volumes. In particular, the polycentric economic geography in Germany makes it difficult to generate a direct-train-capable volume for an economically viable CT service at all German terminal locations. With the help of innovative production processes and new digital applications, new, innovative approaches to solutions are therefore to be tested in the KV-HUB project, as the existing CT production systems alone will not be able to achieve the shift targets from road to rail planned by the German government.
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