Frequently asked questions about the courses
Course materials
If you subsequently need access to a Moodle course that accompanies a lecture without being registered in the corresponding TUCaN course (e.g., if the lecture was held in the previous semester), please contact the study office of the Law and Economics Department and ask to be retroactively enrolled in the corresponding TUCaN course..
You will then need to contact the secretariat of our department (mail@log.tu-…) to get access to the Moodle course. We require the following information from you:
- the name and the semester of the lecture
- your full name
- your matriculation number
- the email address from your moodle profile
Suppose you have any more questions about the organization of your study course and course selections (e.g., Module handbooks, certificates, etc.). In that case, further information is available on the website of the study office.
Recognition of foreign achievements
- Completed Form Request for Foreign Recognition (opens in new tab)
- One completed Department 01 equivalence examination (opens in new tab) form per performance at the Chair of Management and Logistics.
- Official course description of the equivalence subject of the foreign university.
- Non-certified translation of the documents into German or English.
- The study abroad should be an additional qualification, but not a substitute for studying at the TU Darmstadt.
- Information on the examinations recognized by Department 01 can be found in the Download area of the Deanery of Law and Economics.
- If an equivalence subject at the foreign university does not cover the course content of the performance in the Chair of Management and Logistics, it is necessary to choose additional subjects abroad.
- You can find the course contents of the courses at the Chair of Management and Logistics on the corresponding detail pages. An overview of the courses offered at the department can be found here.
- If a part of a module has been completed abroad, the grade of the module must be confirmed by the student's office, e.g. by a TUCaN printout, before the examination at the TU Darmstadt begins. If this confirmation is not provided before the examination, all parts of the module will be examined.
- Please expect at least two weeks for the recognition process, provided that all documents are complete and correct.
- Contact person for foreign recognitions is the secretariat.
Please hand in the complete documents to the secretariat (S1|02 140) of the Chair of Management and Logistics. Please use the mailbox in front of the secretariat or use the consultation hours from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. After checking the facts, you will be informed by e-mail when you can pick up your documents at the secretariat (S1|02 140).
Bachelor Courses
Die neue Vorlesung „Management von Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken“ startet im SoSe 2021. Ältere Modulangebote „Unternehmensführung“ und „Unternehmensführung und Marketing“ enthalten mit Start des neuen Angebotes auch die Verknüpfung zur aktuellen Lehrveranstaltung.
Erstmals ab SoSe 2021 wird die Prüfung für das neue Modul „Management von Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken“ angeboten.
Ab SoSe 2021 werden die Klausuren zu „Unternehmensführung“ (auslaufend WiSe 2021/22) und „Unternehmensführung und Marketing“ auf Grundlage der neuen Vorlesung angeboten.
Alle Klausuren finden am gleichen Prüfungstag statt.
Master courses
In accordance with the study plan, master students of M.Sc. Traffic and Transport can now take compulsory modules as well as compulsory selection modules held by our department.
The specialization Basics of Logistics and Transport (6 CP) is a compulsory course, which is made up of two modules: International Logistics Systems (lecture only, 3 CP) and Logistics and Transport in Practice (lecture with integrated exercise (VÜ), 3 CP).
As a compulsory selection course, you have the possibility to choose the specialization Logistics Management (6 CP). It is divided into the modules Strategic Logistics Management (lecture only, 3 CP) and Logistics and Transport in Practice (lecture with integrated exercise (VÜ), 3 CP).
In addition, the selection range of Department 1 includes the specialization Simulation of Supply Chains (6 CP). It is divided into Simulation of Production and Logistics (lecture only, 3 CP) and Simulation of Logistics and Traffic (lecture with integrated exercise (VÜ), 3 CP).
All information regarding the specific modules can be found in the details of the courses . Please stay up to date with current information regarding the modules, which is accessible through the page of your study course.
Any other documents you may require can also be found here.

Courses (valid Examination regulations 2020)
Starting with the winter semester 2018/19, new specialization modules in the department will come into effect. If you are still in one of the old specialization modules and have not yet completed it, you can register for the new modules. Exams that you have successfully completed will be credited to you in the new modules.
If you either need to complete or have completed the old module Advanced Logistics and Transportation Management and if you need to complete or have completed the old modules Basics of Logistics Management or Basics of Transport Management, you had the opportunity to decide until the summer semester of 2019 to acquire the respective 6 CP either within the old module (two lectures) or through the new module (lecture and lecture with integrated exercise (VÜ)). Since the winter semester of 2020/2021, it will not be possible to take exams in old modules. You will then be required to take a new module instead.
In case you need to complete an old module (because you failed or had a doctors note), please either contact the office for student affairs as soon as possible or heed the advice given below.
Large Specialization (12 CP, specialization Logistics Management, specialization Transport Management)
You are required to unregister from the old specialization module. Please use the contact form of the student office of Department 1, which requires you to state your name, your matriculation number, and the specialization module (for technical reasons, it is not possible to deregister directly in TUCaN). Should a failing grade be registered for the module in TUCaN, you will be unable to unregister, and you will have to remain in the old specialization module.
Proceed to register for one or more new specialization modules in TUCaN, as well as the corresponding subject examinations.
If you have already received grades for courses in the old specializations, please send an e-mail to the secretary’s office (mail@log.tu-..) and specify the following:
• Name and matriculation number
• Name of the course(s) and the semester in which they were taken
• Name of the new specialization module for which the credit is to be granted.
Your grade(s) will then be entered in the new specialization modules for the corresponding subject examinations.
„Small Specialization“ (6 CP, Basics of Logistics Management Specialization, Basics of Transport Management Specialization) and “Combined specializations” (12 CP, logistics and production networks, management and planning of intermodal transport networks, management and optimization of transport chains)
If you have not yet taken exams for courses in the old specializations:
You are required to unregister from the old specialization module. Please use the contact form of the student office of Department 1, which requires you to state your name, your matriculation number, and the specialization module (for technical reasons, it is not possible to deregister directly in TUCaN).
Proceed to register for one or more new specialization modules in TUCaN, as well as the corresponding subject examinations.
If you have already taken examinations for courses in the old specializations:
Please send an e-mail to the secretary’s office (mail@log.tu-..) and specify the following:
• Name and matriculation number
• Name of the old specialization module
• Name of the course(s) and the semester in which they were taken
We will then give you personalized feedback on your individual case.