Theses at the Chair of Management and Logistics
Find your thesis topic and reach out to our team now

Every semester, we offer final theses that are created within the framework of our research and project work on current research topics in theory and practice. If there are currently no theses of interest to you, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team members directly via e-mail. Please always note our current research topics.

Assignment and Working Process

The assignment and working process of a final thesis or student research project done according to this scheme:

  • 1. Application to research assistant (including transcript of records)
  • 2. Registration of the thesis at the student office (for Bachelor and Master theses)
  • 3. Working process of the final thesis
  • 4. Submission of the thesis:
    • For Bachelor and Master Theses:
      • Submit the electronic version of the thesis in TUbama
      • Send the submission form to the study office
      • Send the electronic version of the thesis identical to TUbama to the supervisors
    • For Student Research Projects: Directly send the electronic version to the supervisors
  • 5. Presentation of the final thesis in the final thesis seminar

Bachelor- / Master- and Study Theses