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5th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT)

March 17th – 18th 2021, Virtual Conference

Welcome to 5th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic! Due to the pandemic situation of 2020/2021, we decided to host the 5th ICPLT as a Virtual Conference on March 17th and 18th 2021!

The finalized program of ICPLT can be downloaded here! (opens in new tab)


We could win three interesting keynotes with a wide variete of keynote speakers and welcome them warmhearthly!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lóránt A. Tavasszy (Delft University of Technology)

Freight traffic management as a service: a data-to-value living lab

Prof. Gerd Riegelhuth (Hessen Mobil)

Freight transport – Recent challenges for road authorities

Dr. Amr Mahfouz (Technological University Dublin)

Supply chain resilience to business disruptions: Brexit implications on Irish food supply chains

Virtual Site Visit

As an additional highlight of the conference, we could arrange a virtual site visit to the eHighwayELISA project! The site visit will be lead by Gerrit Stumpe (Siemens Mobility GmbH)

Information / Questions

In case of questions, feel free to contact us at !