Research Associates at the Chair of Management and Logistics

Johannes Rentschler M.Sc.

Research Associate at the Chair of Management and Logistics


work +49 6151 16-24434
fax +49 6151 16-24444

Work S1|02 134
Hochschulstraße 1
64289 Darmstadt

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  • Elbert, R.; Rentschler, J. (2023): The impact of dynamic estimated time of arrival forecasts on the pre-and post-haulage of intermodal transport – a simulation study. Occasion: World Conference on Transportation Research 2023, Montreal, Canada, 18.07.2023
  • Elbert, R.; Rentschler, J. (2023): The Transcaspian Route – Current Developments and Challenges. Occasion: International Scientific Symposium on Logistics, Dresden, Germany, 20.06.2023
  • Elbert, R.; Rentschler, J.; Weber, F. (2023): Synchromodal Transportation: A Holistic Systematic Literature Review. Occasion: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2023, Washington D.C., USA, 10.01.2023
  • Rentschler, J. (2023): Freight on Urban Public Transportation: An Overview and Example from Germany. Occasion: Workshop – Moving Together: Promises and Challenges in Co-Modal Passenger-Freight Transport; Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2023, Washington D.C., USA, 08.01.2023
  • Rentschler, J. (2022): Analysis of transport and storage capacities along the Trans Caspian railroad. Occasion: 10. Kazakh-German Logistics Forum, Almaty, Kasachstan, 08.12.2022
  • Rentschler, J. (2022): TU Darmstadt as guest in Almaty – A glimpse into our research on intermodal transport. Occasion: Forschungsaufenthalt an der Deutsch-Kasachischen-Universität, Almaty, Kasachstan, 26.09.2022
  • Rentschler, J. (2022): Combined Hub Location and Service Network Design Problem – A Case Study for an Intermodal Rail Operator and Structural Analysis. Occasion: Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting 2022, Washington D.C., USA, 10.01.2022
  • Rentschler, J. (2021): Data Driven Planning in Intermodal Transport. Occasion: 25th ELA Doctorate Workshop 2021, LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finnland , 15.10.2021
  • Elbert, R., Rentschler, J. (2021): Kombinierter Personen- und Gütertransport – Hybride Simulation und Optimierung mit Fokus auf den Umschlag der Güter zwischen Straßenbahnwagons. Occasion: ÖGNV Workshop, House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), Frankfurt, 07.10.2021
  • Rentschler, J. (2021): Value of dynamic ETA forecasts in the pre- and on-carriage of combined transport. Occasion: TU Delft Freight and Logistics Lab Seminars, Online/Delft, 05.10.2021
  • Elbert, R., Rentschler, J. (2021): Integrierte Hub Location und Service Network Design Probleme – Fallstudie für einen Intermodal-Operateur zur strategischen Netzwerkerweiterung. Occasion: 12. Logistik Management Konferenz, Online/Dresden, 15.09.2021
  • Elbert, R., Rentschler, J. (2021): Datengetriebene Planung und Analyse im Kombinierten Verkehr Beherrschung von Unsicherheit durch Optimierung und Simulation. Occasion: 2. Forum Kombinierter Verkehr, House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM), Frankfurt, 30.08.2021
  • Rentschler, J. (2021): ÖGNV: Öffentlicher Güternahverkehr. Occasion: 6. HOLM-Innovationsmarktplatz, Frankfurt, 01.09.2021.
  • Schwarz, J., Rentschler J. (2021): Combined passenger and cargo transport: A hybrid simulation and optimization approach focusing on the transshipment of cargo between tram vehicles. Occasion: 8th Online International Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management (CTSEM 2021). Online, 26.08.2021
  • Rentschler, J. (2020): PINTO 3: Netzwerkplanung und -erweiterung im Seehafenhinterlandverkehr – Hub-Platzierung und Integration in das Netzwerk. Occasion: 3. Darmstädter Logistics Summit. Darmstadt, 16.09.2020
  • Rentschler, J. (2020): ETAPEN: „Dynamische ETA-Prognosen im Vor- und Nachlauf des kombinierten Verkehr“. Occasion: 3. Darmstädter Logistics Summit. Darmstadt, 16.09.2020
  • Lecture “International Logistics Systems“ since WiSe 2019/2020
  • Lecture ”Simulation in Production and Logistics“ since SuSe 2020
  • Seminar ”Von der Postkutsche zur Drohne“ in SuSe 2020
  • Seminar “Combined Transport – How the Interplay of Road and Rail is Changing Transportation” in SuSe 2021
  • Excursion “Logistics Live!” in SuSe 2020

By arrangement.