Felix Roeper M.Sc.
Research Associate at the Chair of Management and Logistics
work +49 6151 16-24433
S1|02 141
Hochschulstraße 1
Current research projects
Leading projects for the transfer of research results
Innovation Lab on Combined Transport
Completed research projects
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Only the {{publicationsList.length}} latest publications are displayed here.
- Roeper, F. (2023): Simulation-based analysis of improvements in vehicle routing with time windows using a one sided VCG mechanism for the reallocation of unfavorable time windows. Occasion: Winter Simulation Conference 2023, San Antonio, Texas, 13.12.2023
- Roeper, F. (2023): Dezentrale Planung von Platoons. Occasion: 8. HOLM-Innovationsmarktplatz. Frankfurt, 05.09.2023
- Elbert, R.; Roeper, F. (2023): Decentralized Coordination of Platoons – A conceptual approach using deep reinforcement learning. Occasion: World Conference on Transportation Research 2023, Montreal, Canada, 19.07.2023
- Roeper, F. (2021): Reducing road freight transport costs and emissions by exchanging time windows on a cross-provider data platform. Anlass: 38. Deutscher Logistik Kongress – News from the Logistics Think Tanks (Science & Research), Online/Berlin, Germany, 15.10.2021
- Elbert, R., Roeper, F. (2021): Reducing road freight transport costs and emissions by means of a data platform for the exchange of time windows in a pick-up and delivery process. Occasion: TU Delft Freight and Logistics Lab Seminars, Online/Delft, 05.10.2021
- Elbert, R., Roeper, F. (2021): Reducing road freight transport costs and emissions by means of a data platform for the exchange of time windows in a pick-up and delivery process. Occasion: 3. Innovations in Freight Data Workshop of the TRB, Online/USA, 22.09.2021
- Elbert, R./ Roeper, F. (2021): A pickup and delivery process with an auction-based exchange mechanism for time windows. Occasion: 10th International Scientific Symposium on Logistics, Digital, 15.06.2021
- Roeper, F. (2020): Tauschbörse für Zeitfenter – Wie eine Effizienzsteigerung im zeitfenstergesteuerten An- und Auslieferungsprozess erreicht werden kann. Occasion: 3. Darmstädter Logistics Summit. Darmstadt, 16.09.2020
- Lecture “Logistics and Transport in Practice – Airport Management” from SuSe 2020 to WiSe 2023/2024
- Lecture “Logistics and Transport in Practice – Negotiating Techniques in Purchasing and Logistics” from SuSe 2020 to WiSe 2023/2024
- Lecture “Logistics and Transport in Practice – Kommunikation und Führung in Logistik und Transport” from SuSe 2022 to WiSe 2023/2024
- Lecture “Simulation of Production and Logistics” from SuSe 2022 to WiSe 2023/2024
- Seminar “Combined Transport – How the Interplay of Road and Rail is Changing Transportation“ in SuSe 2021
- Seminar ”Digital transport platforms – How new business model innovations could revolutionize the information exchange in transportation” in WiSe 2022/2023
By arrangement.